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Account / Customer Utilities



The Account / Customer Utilities function allows the user to change an existing account number, move a customer to an existing account, or move a customer to a new account.


For instance, if a customer was added to the wrong account number when first entered, this function will now enable the user to move the customer to the correct account. In addition, if a customer was added under the default Cash Walk-in account, this function will now allow the customer to become his own separate account.


When moving a customer to an existing account or new account, the system will retain existing vehicles, maintenance history, recommended services, etc. If the account associated with the customer being moved is a house charge account with unpaid house charge transactions, a warning message will be displayed and the customer will not be able to be moved.


Access the Account / Customer Utilities function by clicking on:






Selection #1: Change Account Number

Change Account Number is used when adjusting an account number.  The new account number must NOT yet exist in the account record.



Selection #2: Move Customer to Existing Account

Move Customer To Existing Account is used when a customer record is created and should be moved to another account. 

Please note: if a customer has existed under account #1 and the user wants to setup an account, use Selection #3: Create New Account From Customer.  In addition, this process cannot be completed if tickets for the moving customer have not been finalized.



Selection #3: Create New Account from Customer

Create New Account from Customer is used to create a brand new account (instead of going into Accounts and using the Add function) from an existing customer record. 

Please Note: this procedure cannot be accomplished if tickets for the customer are not finalized.

See also

Ship Tos
Transaction History
Payment History
Sales History
Monthly Sales By Account
Price Matrix By Account
Price Matrix By Group
Special Pricing By Account
Special Pricing By Group
Open Item Post and Apply
Apply Open Item Postings
Posting Log Print
Convert To / From Open Item
Account File Update
Customer Letters
Potential Customer Info

Account / Customer Utilities Last Updated By 6/24/13 JMM