Home > Counter Control Help Documentation > Menu Selections > Tools > System Setup > Store Maintenance > Store Record

Store Record

Store Record - General tab


Store #: Enter a 1 to 5-digit number to assign to each store.

Type: Enter the type of location.  In most cases, the appropriate choice is Store.  If the store is the corporate central location, select Central.

Region #: Enter the region number your store is located in.  This is NOT required.

Metro Area: Enter the metro area for the region your store is located in.  This is NOT required.


Name: Enter the store name.  This information will display on the Invoice (if Store Name is not suppressed).

Address: Enter the street or mailing address for the store.

Address: Enter the remainder of the store address, if applicable.

Country: Select the country code.

Zip: Enter the zip code

City: Enter the city name.

State: Select the 2-character state abbreviation.



Remit to Name: For payment of statements to be sent to a different location than above, enter the location name here.

Remit to Address: Enter the remittance address.

Remit to Address: Enter the remainder of the remittance address, if applicable.

Remit to Country: Select the country code for the remittance address.

Remit to Zip: Enter the zip code for the remittance address.

Remit to City: Enter the city name for the remittance address.

Remit to State: Select the 2-character state abbreviation for the remittance address.


Contact: Enter the manager’s or business contact’s name.

Phone1, 2, 3: Enter the store phone numbers.

Desc 1,2,3: Enter a location description for each phone number entered. (i.e. back office, front desk, cell phone, etc.)

Fax: Enter the business fax number.

Modem: Enter the store modem number.


E-mail Address: Enter the E-mail address.

Web Site: Enter the web site address.


Logo 1: Select the Graphic Name for the logo that will appear on the Startup screen. (The Graphic Name was previously setup in Tools/System Configuration/ Graphics Configuration.)

Logo 2: Select the Graphic Name for the logo that will appear on the POS screen. (The Graphic Name was previously setup in Tools/System Configuration/ Graphics Configuration.)



Store Record - Additional tab


Region #: Enter the region number your store is located in.  This is NOT required.

Metro Area: Enter the metro area for the region your store is located in.  This is NOT required.

Pricing Level: In some formats, enter the price group level to be used in the Supplier Cost Matrix table.


Name:  Enter the store name.  This information will display on the Invoice (if Store Name is not suppressed).

XMIT Flag: Choose Yes or No.  This flag is associated with systems where stores send data to a collector machine on a scheduled basis.  If Yes, the tickets, credits, payments, etc., will be sent to the collector on schedule.  If No, the store is considered stand-alone and houses all its own data exclusively.

POS Color: Select the color that will display in Point Of Sale.  The system defaults ro royal blue.  This is helpful for multi-store systems so that users can easily distinguish between each location.


Federal ID: Enter the standard Federal ID number issued by the Government.  This is NOT required.

Print ID on Ticket: Select Yes if the Federal ID is required by the state.

Resale #: Enter the store’s resale number if this store has a tax exempt status.  This is NOT required.

UPS Shipper #: For UPS accounts, enter the UPS shipper number.  This is NOT required.

Remarks: Enter a remark for this store, if applicable. Note: this field is for the user and will not be used by the application.

AConneX ID: if the AConneX ID is store specific, enter the ID here. 



ePart ID: Enter the ePart ID provided by SBC/Autologue.

ePart Password: Enter the ePart Password provided by SBC/Autologue.



Interval: Select the length of time for the appointments.

Bays: Enter the number of bays this store has.


Inter-Store Info

Inter-Store Account: Enter the inter-store account number

Supplier: Select the supplier name.  Each location will be setup as a supplier to define it within the purchase order program.   


Franchise Info

Credit Limit: This information will be automatically downloaded, if applicable.

Open Amount This information will be automatically downloaded, if applicable.

Past Due Amount: This information will be automatically downloaded, if applicable.


GL Information

GL Class: enter the GL class (see General Ledger Setup)

INV Value Acct: enter the INV Value Account (see General Ledger Setup)

Transfer Clearing Acct: enter the Transfer Clearing Account (see General Ledger Setup)


Override Labor Parts: Labor Rates that are store specific will be defined here.  If the Labor parts are identical from location to location, the labor rates can be defined in Tools/System Setup/POS Settings/Catalog.

Labor Rate A: enter Labor Rate A

Labor Rate B: enter Labor Rate B

Labor Rate C: enter Labor Rate C

Labor Rate D: enter Labor Rate D



Store Record – Email Tab


**Please Note: The Email tab is only required on a multi-store system if email information is unique per location.  Otherwise populate the fields on Tools/System Setup/Shop General.


Outgoing Mail Server:  This is your outgoing e-mail SMTP server (for example, smtp.gmail.com), and this information can be obtained by calling your ISP.  If you do not have an ISP that provides you an SMTP server, or if you are using Exchange Server for your email and do not want to implement all of the necessary Exchange security settings, you can set up a free Gmail account. 

User Name: E-mail username

Password: E-mail password  **Please Note: if emails all-of-a-sudden stop sending, the password may have changed.  This is very common. 

Port: the port number that the Outgoing Mail Server uses.

Authentication Required: this is a Yes/No question (checked means Yes) and is asking whether authentication is required when sending/receiving e-mails.  Your ISP provider will provide you with this answer.

Encrypted Connection (SSL) Required: this is a Yes/No question (checked means Yes) and is asking whether an encrypted connection is required.  Your ISP provider will provide you with this answer.

From Email Name: This is the email address that will be attached to each outgoing message. 

Send Admin Email To: if the system has any administrative information (a backup failed, etc.) this e-mail address will receive all the administrative e-mails.



When finished entering all information, click on the Save icon at the top of the screen to save the changes. 

See also

Store Access
Store Ref Numbers

Store Record Last Updated On 6/7/13 JMM