Home > Counter Control Help Documentation > Menu Selections > Tools > System Utilities > Database Functions > Record Unlocking

Record Unlocking

Record Unlocking is a utility that is used to unlock a locked record.  The utility should be used by the system administrator when needed.

**Please note: records are locked when they are being edited or updated, so most locked records are legitimate.  Please research the problem to confirm that users do not have records locked on purpose before deleted a lock.  Call SBC Training department for further assistance.

Record Locking can be found by going to:

Tools | System Utilities | Database Functions | Record Unlocking

:  This column displays the table name in use.
datAccount: Accounting
datStatements: Statement
datTransHeader: Point Of Sale
ShopPurchaseOrder: Purchasing            
vwInventory: Inventory

InUseBy:  The information in this column displays the computer name of the user who has the record locked.

SessionID:  The session ID refers to the session within Point Of Sale.  If the user is in the back office, the session ID will always be 1.

Done:  Click Done to leave the screen.

View Record:  Click View Record to see additional information about the line selected.

Delete Selected Lock:  Click Delete Selected Lock to remove the lock.  Please complete the following instructions before clicking this button.

Users will know that a record is locked when they see a message like this:

To unlock a record:

  1. Go to the workstation named under InUseBy.  Close all Counter Control programs running on that computer.
  2. On the InUseBy computer, right click on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click Start Task Manager.
  4. Click on the Processes tab.
  5. Click on Image Name to sort alphabetically.
  6. If they exist, End Process on the following programs:
a.  CCMGRBackOffice.exe

If you are unsure about deleting a record, CALL SBC!

(800) 829-4722

See also

Back Ups
Database Tuning

Record Unlocking Last Updated On 8/22/13 JMM