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Back Ups



The data files stored on the system can be backed up manually by the user or automatically via the Scheduler, for example, during the End of Day Procedure.




Access the Database Back Up screen by clicking on:

Tools | System Utilities | Database Functions | Back Ups


Click on the following option to create and run a new backup job with the ability to save the backup job:


Select a previously saved backup job on the screen and click on one of the following options:


Create New Backup



  1. Select one of the Available Databases and click on the Add to Selected Databases button.

It is recommended to backup both databases, and they can be run simultaneously.


(To remove a Selected Database(s), select the applicable database and click on the Remove from Selected Databases button.)


  1. Select the Back Up Directory.  The system will default to C:\MSSQL7\Backup\.  To specify a different directory, click on Change Backup Path.
  2. Select whether to copy the backup to another location by checking Copy Backup To….   It is highly recommended that a backup be copied to a removable drive and removed from the office daily. Most users will own at least 2 backup drives and switch them out daily.  It is also an option to save the backup on another computer on the network.  To specify the directory, click Copy To Path…
  3. Enter a name under Save BackUp Job.  Once Save BackUp Job changes from red to black, saving will be permitted.
  4. Save the Backup.

Choose from:
Save and Backup Database:  the system will save the settings and immediately run a backup. 
This is recommended, especially when running a backup to an external drive, to confirm that the settings are correct.

Save:  the system will save the backup job.


The file names will appear in the backup directory with a suffix of the actual day of the week the backup job was performed. For example, a CCData backup job run on a Monday will be named CCData_Monday.bak.

(Note: the previous backup data will be overwritten when the backup job is run again the following week.)

See also

Record Unlocking
Database Tuning

Back Ups Last Updated On 7/18/13 JMM