Home > Counter Control Help Documentation > Menu Selections > Tools > System Tables > Reason Code > Adding/Modifying Reason Code Values

Adding/Modifying Reason Code Values  

The application will automatically include the default reason code value of ‘*Other’ in each table. A reason code value prefixed with a ‘*’ is not an actual reason code value, but a flag for the system to prompt the user to enter a new reason code value. When a reason prefixed with a ‘*’ is selected from a pop-up box value list, the system will prompt the counterman to enter a new reason. The new reason entered by the counterman will be added to the reason code table and will consequently appear in the pop-up box value list.

Reason Code values can be modified or added to the table and pop-up box value list by the following 3 ways:

1.  Add a reason value to the table from the back office.

2.  Modify an existing reason code.

(Note: if already in the table, use the arrow keys on the tool bar to display the reason code to modify)


3.  Add a reason value to the table from the Point Of Sale screen.

  1. System will prompt the counterman to enter a new reason value
  2. The new reason value will be added to the reason code table and consequently will appear in the pop-up box value list

See also

Reason Code Values
Removing/Hiding Reason Code Values
Removing/Hiding Reason Code Values