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Inventory Settings



Set up the default inventory settings by clicking:





General tab


Create Lookup from Stripped Part Number:  this utility is used to add a Lookup (an alias that may be entered at Point Of Sale or Inventory to access existing part numbers).  The stripped number does not have to be unique.

Example:  A part number exists:  AAA1-23 45.  Users want to enter 12345 and have the part number display at Point Of Sale.  Running the Create Lookup will remove all selected characters and enter the 12345 into a second user-defined field in the Inventory.

Strip Spaces: Check Strip Spaces to remove spaces from part numbers when they are added to the new field.

Characters to Strip:  Enter all special characters that should be removed.  These may include forward and backwards slashes (\ /), commas (,), periods (.), dashes (-) and any other characters users would like to remove.

Include MFG in Result:  Click Include MFG to include the manufacturer in the new field.  Please note: if the MFG is entered then users will be required to enter the MFG code for the part to display in Point Of Sale or Inventory.

Place Result In:  Select the field where the new part number will reside. 

Note: this program can be run multiple times if users want to populate more than one field with information.


More Info URL:   Each part number has a field that allows users to enter the URL or website address for additional information in Point Of Sale.  The More Info URL in the Inventory Settings allows for a generic URL, if the field on the part record is not filled in.  In addition, programming can be added to the field which directs the user to the MFG and PartNum that is current being accessed.



INV Assignment tab


INV Assignment Settings

Default To Scan Account

Retain Review Mode

Consolidate Items

Skip QTY Field



Inventory Count tab


Inventory Count

Default # Entries To Select:  Enter the default # of items the user will count.  If the job is scheduled and users are instructed to count each day or once a week, they will be given the Default # Entries number of random items to count.

Count Sheet Print Cost:  Click the box if cost should print on the count sheet.

Count Sheet Print QOH:  Click the box if the current quantity on hand should print.  For security purposes this is NOT recommended.

Inventory Count Style

Single Entry:


Sheet Entry:

Show Frozen QOH: Click the box for the frozen quantity on hand to display on the sheet.  This is NOT recommended.


Variance Report Print Ext. Cost:  Click the box to display the extended cost of goods on the variance report.

Inventory Adjustment Reason:  Select the default reason when adjusting inventory via the Inventory Count logic.  If the defaulted selection is set to *Other, users will have to enter a reason at the time of the count.




See also

Shop General
Store Maintenance
Account Settings
POS Settings
Purchase Order Settings
Ordering Setup
File Transfer Settings
Build Sell Price List
Pay Type Setup
Tax Rate Setup
Payment Processor Setup
Assignment Line Type Setup
General Ledger
POS Button Setup
Display Screen Setup
Calculated Field Setup
Security Setup
Xref Fields Setup