Home > Counter Control Help Documentation > Menu Selections > File > Employee Maintenance > Employees



General tab

User Name 
Enter a unique (up to) 5-digit user name that will be used to identify the employee throughout the application. In addition, the User Name will display on the login screen when the User ID Password is keyed in.

User ID Enter a (up to) 5-digit user ID password for each employee; this will be what the employee uses to log into the system with.  Note: the password will be displayed as ***** instead of the actual password that was entered.

SSN Number: Enter the employee social security number.

Last Name: 
Enter the employee last name.

First Name: Enter the employee first name.

Middle Name: Enter the employee middle initial, if applicable.

Preferred Name: Enter the employee preferred name.

Address: Enter the employee home address.

Address: Enter the remainder of employee address, if applicable.

City: Enter the city name.

State: Select the 2-character state abbreviation.

Zip: Enter the zip code.

Country: Select the country code.

Phone: Enter the employee phone number.

Remark 1, 2 & 3: Enter up to 3 additional comments or reminders for this employee to be used internally.

Employment Date: Select the date the employee was hired from the drop down box.

Assigned Store ID: If multiple stores are setup, choose the appropriate default location for the employee.  If one does not exist, ignore the field.

Security Role: Select the role the system will use to allow the employee to access features and menus in the program. See Roles in Security Setup for more information.

Employee Type: Select the employee type from the drop down box. (Manager, Technician, etc.) Although this is not currently used by the system, it can be used to group employees together for reporting purposes.

Startup Mode: Select the screen mode you wish to have this employee start up to. A counter person would normally start at the Point of Sale, while an administration person would start at the Back Office.

Hot Menu Name: Select the Hot Menu Name you wish to assign to this employee. This will determine which Hot Menu the employee will see once they’ve logged into the program. (See Hot Menu Setup for further information.

Sales Person?: Select Yes or No depending on whether or not this employee is a Salesperson.

Assignable: Select Yes to enable this employee to be assigned tasks in Point Of Sale.

Mechanic Number: Enter the mechanic’s license number.

Picture: Select the location from the drop down box that represents the location of the employee’s picture.

Codes: Enter a code here to assign to the customer for reporting purposes only. The system does not keep track of valid codes, therefore, we recommend that you keep a list of all codes that you establish and what they represent.

Department Code: Enter a code here to link your employees by departments, for reporting purposes only. This can be used to narrow down a search by department only. The system does not keep track of valid codes, so we recommend you keep a list of all codes that you establish and what they represent.

Commission Rate: Enter the commission rate, if applicable.


Time Clock tab


User Name: (This field will be populated with the information from the previous screen.)

SSN Number: (This field will be populated with the information from the previous screen.)

Last Name: (This field will be populated with the information from the previous screen.)

First Name: (This field will be populated with the information from the previous screen.)

Salaried: Select Yes for salaried employees. The system will default to No for hourly employees.

Hourly Rate: Enter the employee’s hourly rate.

 Note: If an hourly rate is specified, the employee’s hours and wages will be displayed on the Time Clock Report. If an hourly rate is not specified, the report will display the total hours without wages.

Limit To Schedule: This parameter is currently not available.

Paid Vacation: Select Yes if employee will be paid for vacation hours.

Paid Sick: Select Yes if employee will be paid for sick hours.

Paid Personal: Select Yes if employee will be paid for personal hours.

Use Customized Settings: Select Yes to use the rates defined here in the employee record. Select No to use the default shop rates defined in the Time Clock Settings.

Saturday Rate: Enter the value to be multiplied by the Hourly Rate to determine the Saturday Rate hourly pay. The actual calendar dates where the Saturday Rate will be applied are defined in the Special Pay Dates tab. Note: If the standard hourly rate will be used, the rate should be set to the default value of 1 and not 0.

Sunday Rate:  Enter the value to multiply by the Hourly Rate to determine the Sunday Rate hourly pay. The actual calendar dates where the Sunday Rate will be applied are defined in the Special Pay Dates tab. Note: If the standard hourly rate will be used, the rate should be set to the default value of 1 and not 0.

Holiday Rate: Enter the value to multiply by the Hourly Rate to determine the Holiday Rate hourly pay. The actual calendar dates where the Holiday Rate will be applied are defined in the Special Pay Dates tab. Note: If the standard hourly rate will be used, the rate should be set to the default value of 1 and not 0.

Special Rate: Enter the value to multiply by the Hourly Rate to determine the Special Rate hourly pay. The actual calendar dates where the Special Rate will be applied are defined in the Special Pay Dates tab. Note: If the standard hourly rate will be used, the rate should be set to the default value of 1 and not 0.

Overtime Rate: Enter the value to multiply by the Hourly Rate to determine the Overtime Rate. This rate will be applied to any hours that exceed the value entered for a regular business day / week.


When finished entering all information, click on the Save icon at the top of the screen to save the changes.



See also

Clock In/Out
Time Clock
Employee Time Clock Status