Check Availability

Check Availability





The Check Avail / Order button enables the user to automatically create a purchase order for any item on the transaction ticket that has insufficient quantity on hand. The method used to create the Purchase Order is dependent upon the supplier’s ability to receive order electronically or by phone.


Note: If the Check Avail / Order button is not currently on the POS screen, see POS Button Setup to create a customized set of transaction information buttons.


Further Availability Checks, also known as Warehouse Checks, are available when ordering from a supplier that uses the SBC Enterprise Ordering Method specified on the Supplier Record. This check can be done once the user does an initial Availability Check to the supplier from either the Catalog screen or the Check Avail / Order screen.


Note: Warehouse Checks are currently only available for MAWDI customers.



Steps: Warehouse Checks



Catalog Screen:



If Warehouse Checks are allowed from the selected supplier, the Check WHSE (Warehouse) parameter will appear under the Qty Ord and Info section.


If this parameter is checked, the user can perform a Warehouse Check by clicking on the Options button at the bottom of the screen and then clicking the Warehouse Check button. (Note: this can also be accessed by pressing the W key on the keyboard.) The supplier’s warehouse will then be queried for the quantity available.




The quantity currently available in the warehouse will be displayed under the Qty Ord and Info section. (The Check WHSE parameter will toggle to WHSE QTY and display the warehouse quantity available.)


In addition, the warehouse description will now appear on the description line; the original catalog description will appear as the “Hover Text” for the description line or can be viewed in the More Information screen. The original catalog description will be used when the item is brought back to the ticket.


Check Avail / Order Screen:



If Warehouse Checks are allowed from the selected supplier, the Check WHSE (Warehouse) parameter will appear under the Description section.


If this parameter is checked, the user can perform a Warehouse Check by clicking on the Warehouse Avail Check button at the bottom of the screen. The supplier’s warehouse will then be queried for the quantity available.




The quantity currently available in the warehouse will be displayed under the Available section.


In addition, the warehouse description will be brought back to the screen and displayed as the description for this line. The original ticket description will be used for the order or bringing the item back to the ticket.


If a part was Warehouse Checked from the Catalog Screen and the user remained in the same ticket session (the ticket was not saved or canceled), the Avail Check / Order Screen will recognize that the item was Warehouse Checked and display the Warehouse information.


If the user does not want to place the item as a Warehouse order, simply uncheck the Warehouse Order parameter.