Transactions that have been saved as an estimate or hold ticket can be retrieved and then modified as needed. Modifications include the ability to add or delete items to the retrieved ticket.
From the Point of Sale screen, click on the Transaction Information box at the top of the screen.
Click the Retrieve button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If the Workstatus button or Completed Work button was selected when setting up the POS buttons, the user can instead click on the Workstatus button / Completed Work button from the Point of Sale screen. (See POS Button Setup for further details.)
Click on the transaction type button listed below that corresponds to the type of transaction you are retrieving.
Estimates button displays all transactions saved as an Estimate.
Work Orders button -- displays all transactions saved as a Work Order.
Work Completed button displays all transactions where the status of the work order has been changed to indicate that the work is complete.
Invoices button displays all tendered transactions; modifications cannot be made.
Other Completed Tickets button displays all non-ticket transactions such as Paid ins, Paid outs, etc.
Find: Use this search function to retrieve a transaction by:
Invoice Reference Number-- In the space provided, type the reference number to retrieve and then click OK.
Last Name -- In the space provided, type the last name to retrieve and then click OK.
Phone -- In the space provided, type the phone number to retrieve and then click OK.
S.O. Number -- In the space provided type the special order number like to retrieve and then click OK.
Part Number -- In the space provided, type the part number you would like to retrieve and then click OK.
License -- In the space provided type the license number like to retrieve and then click OK.
Note: Once a ticket is saved as an invoice, you will no longer be able to edit it.
Click on the transaction you are searching for or key in the number to on the left side of the transaction and it will be recalled to the Point of Sale screen.
For example, to recall a transaction saved as an Estimate, click on the Estimate button. A window will appear on the screen listing all of the Estimates in order by transaction number. Click on the transaction you are searching for or key in the number to on the left side of the transaction and it will be recalled to the Point of Sale screen.
Use the Find feature to recall a specific transaction to the screen. You can search by invoice reference number, customer name, phone number, special order number, or part number.