Gift Card Transactions

Gift Card Transactions



  1. Selling a Gift Card



A gift card is sold to a customer just like any other part. In the Point Of Sale screen, the part number (i.e. GC, GIFTCARD, GIFT CARD, GC25, $25GC, GC$25) that was entered into the inventory file is keyed in. If the correct spelling is not keyed in, a message will appear allowing the counterman to find the closest match or re-enter the part number.


If the system is set to use pre-printed gift cards, the counterman will be prompted to enter or scan the gift card number and recipient information, if applicable.


If the system is set to generate gift certificate cards with automatic numbering, the counterman will be prompted to enter the recipient information if applicable. The Gift Card Number field will be defaulted to ‘Automatic Numbering’.


The counterman will be prompted to validate the quantity and price, if applicable, and the transaction will be ready to be tendered.




  1. Querying a Gift Card



In the Point Of Sale screen, under Transaction Information, select Gift Card Query.




Note: If Gift Card Query button is not displayed, customize the Transaction Information by clicking on:









You can search for a gift card by the following criteria:




This will display all gift cards that match the selection criteria in a table. The table will show the following information:


The user can view all previous transactions made with the gift card by clicking on the View History button at the bottom of the screen.



  1. Redeeming a Gift Card


A gift card can be used as a payment type when the transaction is tendered. Once the counterman selects Gift Certificate as a payment type, they will be prompted to enter the gift card number. If the gift card number entered does not exist or has a zero balance, the system will display a message stating the validation was not successful and prompt the counterman to enter another gift card number.


If the gift card is less than the amount of ticket, the ticket will need to be tendered again to complete the transaction.