Cash Drawer Setup

Cash Drawer Setup





In order to balance the drawer for the daily transactions, the cash drawer must be configured. The configuration process includes setting the system to start using a cash drawer, defining the printing parameters, identifying the tender types allowed for each drawer transaction, and determining the drawer assignment.


Cash Drawer Configuration:

  1. Set General Cash Drawer Parameters

  2. Identify Tender Types for Reconciliation View

  3. Assign Cash Drawers to Workstations or Employees


Once the cash drawer configuration is complete, the system will be ready to open a starting bank, count the drawer at the end of the day, and Other Cash Drawer transactions. See Cash Drawer Overview for further details.





Begin the Cash Drawer Configuration process by clicking:




This will open up the three tabs used to define the parameters for configuring the cash drawer.


  1. Set General Cash Drawer Parameters


In the General tab, verify the Cash Drawers Used On System box is checked. Once this is checked, the other parameters will become enabled.



By checking the Warn On Drawer Amount parameter, the system will issue a warning flag when the amount of money in the cash drawer exceeds the dollar amount specified on the screen. The warning flag used is the standard windows ‘information’ icon of a lower case letter ‘i’ in a blue circle and will appear in the upper left hand corner of the Transaction Information box in the POS screen.

The Blind Count parameter is utilized in the Count Drawer screen. Checking the Blind Count parameter allows the counterman to enter the actual dollar amounts in the drawer without any knowledge of the system drawer count calculations. When the Blind Count parameter is NOT checked, a column is displayed in the Count Drawer screen showing the tender amounts that the system calculated the drawer to have.

The system is set up to have all Print Options selected. Click on a check box to unselect a specific printing option.


  1. Identify Tender Types for Reconciliation View

In the Reconciliation View tab, verify the default types (coin, check, coupon, etc.) allowed by each of the different drawer transactions.



  1. Assign Cash Drawers to Workstations or Employees

Cash drawers can be configured by workstation or by employee:


In the Drawer Assignments tab, select ‘clerk’ or ‘workstation’ from the Open Drawer By drop down box. Click New to assign a cash drawer to a workstation or clerk. Select an already assigned workstation or clerk and click Edit Selected to delete or modify.

Note: If changing the Open Drawer By field selection of Workstation or Clerk, a message will appear to remind you to also update the drawer assignments accordingly.